Thursday, March 31, 2011





I's don't know whys, but whatevah is on the backs of mah ear is tasty. Sometimes I jus' rub my ear and then I's licks mah leg. Yesta'days was salty. Todays is sweet. Shos it was. Yalls knows it was.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Buckley is talents. Shos he is. Cleanin' his backs and alls. I can't does that so wells. But he cans. I's cans only licks my legs and my paws and my tummys and when I's is feelin' ambitious my tails. I's isn't often ambitious and I isn't talents. Buckley is talents though. Shos he is, yalls be knowin' he is now. Shos ya does.

I's trys throwin' flowers

I's trys throwin' flowers

I's is exhausted. I's sorry I's hasn't blogged none for awhiles. My owners asks me to be a flower gal at they weddings. Shos they did. I tol's 'em no...I's tried throwin' flowers before, and i's hard. I's still try to show my support, so I's been wedding planning. Yalls knows I's is helpful now, but it's a buncha work. And it tuckers me out...sos I's gonna try bloggin' more now. Shows I will, yalls knows I will.